By Suz Ceballos
Specialise in lower back pain management

Suz Ceballos
I'm passionate about Pilates and the benefits that exercising and living a healthy life can bring to people. I've been dancing since I was a teenager and harmonic movements are essential to me.
I started to train in Pilates in 2004 when I discovered its value while looking for alternatives to ease my spine problems. Since then, it has been a non-stop learning process, from essential matwork to advanced Pilates equipment.
I obtained my equipment certification from a school in the UK that follows a classical Pilates approach and incorporates high standards in its teaching technique.
Whether you want a stronger core and deep stabiliser muscles to improve your current training or recover from an injury, I'll work with you to create body consciousness. With my personal and professional experience, we can discover the best way to strengthen your weak areas together to correct the body imbalances or structural issues you may have.
'Pay attention to your body, and you will easily achieve your personal and professional goals.'
Susana Ceballos, MBA
Pilates Matwork & Equipment Instructor, Level 3
Level 4 Lower Back Pain Management Specialist
Exercise Referral Instructor —Fitness for chronic medical conditions
Fitness Exercise Instructor for Children
Sports Massage Therapist, Level 3
Some other training courses:
Training for hypermobility
Shoulder stabilisation
Bone health & Osteoporosis

Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity